Dare to Lead™
As a practitioner I draw upon the research and teaching of Brené Brown to work with leaders and organizations to operationalize courage, the most important leadership skill today. I've rarely seen an organization more focused on the measurable feedback improvement cycle than Brené Browns Education and Research group, (BBEARG). DTL curriculum upgrades are based on direct feedback from 30,000 plus global participants and 1,000 plus global facilitators in the past 12 months.
What is Dare To Lead™?
Dare to Lead™ is an empirical, courage-building program for leaders and corporations created by TED speaker and best-selling author Dr. Brené Brown.
The four essential skill sets for courageous leadership are 100% teachable, observable and measurable Why Courage? Because in these increasingly complex, uncertain times it was identified as the #1 must-have skill for leaders based on data collected during a three year study on daring leadership and interviews with over 150 global C-level leaders.
Dare to Lead™ breaks courage into four practical, learnable skills that build capability in areas that challenge many leaders and employees and deeply impact organizational health and profitability. They are:
Rumbling with Vulnerability
The ability to stay grounded and open in tough moments so you can keep hold of the bigger picture and model brave leadership.
Living into our Values
Knowing what you stand for and intentionally living your life in alignment with your beliefs. In short, walking the talk.
Seven behaviors that help you approach, assess, and build 1:1 and team-level trust in concrete ways.
Learning to Rise
Mastering resilience, the vitally important reset and recovery skills that help people pick themselves up, dust off, and keep moving forward with purpose.
I’m especially excited because there are now four Dare to Lead assessments that make things more measurable than ever for individuals and teams.
Daring Leadership Assessment – measures an individual’s strengths and opportunities on the four skill sets of courage.
Armored Leadership vs. Daring Leadership Assessment – looks at the team’s or group’s cultural norms around armored and daring leadership elements.
BRAVING Trust in Teams Assessment – asks participants to assess their team regarding the BRAVING elements.
Importance of Courage-Building – asks participants if they understand why increasing courage-building skills is a priority for their team.